• What is included in your fees?

    Our fees are comprehensive, ensuring you get the full array of our photography services with no hidden costs. With our single-rate package, you'll receive an unlimited number of retouched and professionally edited high-resolution digital images. We believe in delivering all your moments captured beautifully – so if a photo meets our standards, it gets edited and delivered to you without any restriction on the quantity. Enjoy a complete collection of your memories, all included in our straightforward pricing.

  • Are there any types of photography you do not offer?

    At Gift of Photography, our focus is on capturing moments that celebrate life, family, and love. While we specialize in various styles, we do not provide Boudoir photography or any services involving nudity. For those services, we are happy to recommend trusted local photographers who specialize in Boudoir. For fashion or glamour photo sessions, we invite you to discuss your vision with us prior to booking to ensure we can meet your expectations and deliver the exceptional results we're known for.

  • How do I choose a location?

    With Gift of Photography's extensive network of studio partnerships, we can accommodate a wide range of creative visions and locations. If you're dreaming of an outdoor shoot, the local parks and public spaces provide stunning natural backdrops. We're here to help you pick the ideal location that aligns with your vision, so don't hesitate to reach out for our personalized location scouting support before booking your session.

  • What should I wear?

    Feel free to bring a variety of outfits to your photoshoot – there's no limit! We suggest selecting attire that truly reflects your personality and makes you feel confident and at your best. Most studios are equipped with private changing rooms for your convenience and comfort.

  • What is your process for payment?

    To book your photoshoot or event with Gift of Photography, a 50% deposit is required. This deposit secures your date and is non-refundable, except in the rare event that we cannot fulfill our commitment to provide services and an alternative photographer is not available. The balance is due seven days before your scheduled shoot or event to ensure everything is set for your session.

  • How long after the session will I receive my photos?

    Gift of Photography is committed to delivering your finished photos promptly. Often, you'll receive your edited images within just 2-3 days. To ensure the highest quality, we guarantee that you'll have your photos no later than 14 days after your photoshoot.